24-7 PRAYER . transit international discipleship school . SEPTEMBER06-JULY07

08 September 2006


Welcome to the Blogspot you've been waiting all your life to read...

The last couple days have been communicationless & I apologize, but I have finally reached my destination...home for 10-months. On Tuesday night, around midnight, after much flying and hours upon hours in the customs line, I finally arrived in London and was tossed over to the retreat center where it would all begin. How could I forget that they would drive on the opposite side of the road here? But, worry not. The mile is still in effect.

Anyways, upon arriving, Tim Rose, the chap in charge of it all greeted me and I was later able to meet Joe (Oklahoma), Matilda (Sweden), Chelsea (Michigan), Jon (England) and Dan (Wales). They're the hosts for the year. And, more specifically, Joe, Tilly (Matilda) & Dan are the hosts in my neck of the woods. There are 10 of us in Transit this year, and we've now been split into two locations. It was originally going to be 3, but between the lady in charge of the City of London Boiler Room stepping down and there not being as many applicants, they decided to keep it to 2 this year. So, the last 3 days have been spent getting a better flavor of this whole thing called 24-7 Prayer and the ideas behind Transit. This afternoon they finally decided to tell us where we would be located just before wheeling us off to our new homes.

I will be living on the west part of London in Egham. This particular spot will have a couple focuses which seem to be heading in the direction of youth and the beginning of a new prayer room. The current West London Boiler Room, which is about a 30-minute walk from here is being moved in the opposite direction of where we are living. That's about all I know.

I do know much more about what this year is going to look like, aside from the outreach. Developing a lifestyle is the key. And the three main focuses come straight from the Gospel. First, TRUE TO CHRIST. Out of that comes KINDNESS TO OTHERS and finally THE GOSPEL TO THE NATIONS. The year will be divided into 3 separate terms with these three focuses. How will these things be taught? I know that was your question & here's the answer: many ways. For instance, the text for this first term is 'Celebration of Discipline' by Richard Foster. We will seek to be taught in a variety of forms. Whether that be through film or biographies or artwork or albums, during this first term we will hopefully learn to find God and know him on a much more intimate level. Every two weeks at the most, the whole of us will gather together for lectures and more conventional teaching. On the 19th, we begin our chronological walk through the Bible.

One of the things they really seem to push is that we try new things during our time here. Attempt new ways of approaching God through prayer. This is a time to explore. A definite time of community. And, even as Christ left the Father to come into the world, so will we be going into culture. They claim this will be a difficult 10-months. That we will want to quit and travel home. But, it will be rewarding. From the words of one of the 24-7Prayer directors...'If these 10-months are the highlight of your life, then we have failed.' They long to set us up for the even more exciting adventure that lies ahead.

Those are many jumbled thoughts put into a couple paragraphs, but hopefully that gives you a better taste of what my life will look like. I know some of you have questioned the difference between 24-7 Prayer and IHOP in Kansas City. That was one of my first questions for them. Yes, they both began in September of 1999. However, as one bloke put it...'we both pray a lot & that's about it.' Supposedly they see the two very different. While IHOP has a strong emphasis in their vision on the end-times, 24-7 feels that they may possibly be more missional-focused. The first response I received was that IHOP is very polished and professional while 24-7 is more down-to-earth. I've very much seen this these last couple days and love it. These, for sure, aren't perfect people who have prayer all figured out. They're just a handful of individuals who long to mold some followers into true disciples of Christ.

I'll leave it at that for now. If you've made it this far...congrats & thanks for reading. If you want to be challenged, start reading 'Celebration of Discipline' with me. Having previously read it, I would argue that it's a great starting point & am excited to step into it on a whole new level.

My team for the year:
Hosts: Joe (US), Tilly (Sweden), Dan (Wales)
-David (Northern Ireland)
-Joe (England)
-Shaun (Canada)
-Bec (England)

Much love from London! You all are in my thoughts!


JUST A THOUGHT: Could it be that HOSPITALITY is the true mark of Christian leadership? Has the Church lost this as it has moved out of the home?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not the first post...this makes me sad. If anyone had to beat me, I guess it's ok that it's your bro. Glad to hear you're safe, bud...I'll be expecting updates soon!


9:49 AM


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